Links to Other Sites


British Columbia Archives
BC Archives, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 9W2
Phone: (250) 387-1952
Toll Free: In Greater Vancouver area: 660-2421 (ask the operator for 387-1952)
Other parts of BC (excluding Vancouver and Victoria): 1-800-663-7867 (ask the operator for 387-1952)

Archival holdings include: government documents and records; private historical manuscripts and papers; maps, charts and architectural plans; photographs; paintings, drawings and prints; audio and video tapes; film; newspapers; and an extensive library of publications with a strong emphasis on the social and political history of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. B.C. Archives staff does not conduct genealogical research. Clicking here gives a list of professional researchers.

Canada Census Information - Statistics Canada
Census Pension Searches Unit B1E-34, Jean Talon Building, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, ON K1A 0T6

Listings include census counts, names, dates and ages. This information is available only to the individual involved, and will be delivered by personal correspondence at no charge. The files are confidential and the public does not have access. Forms available at the Census office must be completed to request information. Census microfilms can be requested at any community library through inter-library loan from the National Library of Canada. Microfilms are for in-library use only; microfilm readers/printers are usually available at the local libraries.

Citizenship & Naturalization Records
Citizenship & Immigration Canada, Public Rights Administration, 300 Slater Street, 3rd Floor, Section D, Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1

For enquiries regarding Naturalization Records there is a $5.00 fee, payable to the Receiver General of Canada.

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa ON K1K 3B1
Phone: (613) 747-6022, Fax: (613) 747-8834
General Email: [email protected]

CAP Online's goal is to provide information about Aboriginal peoples across Canada who live in a non-reserve setting whether urban, rural or wilderness, including contact links for affiliate organizations, and other Aboriginal sites. CAP provides information on legal issues, and programs and services.

Libraries and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4, Canada
Phone: (613) 995-9481 or 1-877-896-9481 (Toll free in Canada)
TDD: (613) 992-6969 or 1-866-299-1699 (Toll free in Canada)
Fax: (613) 995-6274 (be sure to include your name and address)
Genealogy Website:
Searchable 1901 Census website:

Resources include census and land records, birth, marriage, death, divorce, and adoption records, wills and estate records, military and immigration records, home children, citizenship (naturalization) records, Acadian, Loyalist and Métis sources, Russian Consular records, employment and school records. To find obituaries in the LAC newspaper collections: There is no fee for reference services; it is not necessary to enclose a self-addressed or stamped envelope, return postage or international reply coupons when sending a letter. You will be advised regarding fees for copies. The LAC tries to respond to reference inquiries relating to its holdings within 30 days of receipt but this response time may be affected by heavy workloads.

National Search Unit, Human Resources Development Canada
Program Delivery Services, 11th floor Tower A, 333 River Road, Vanier, ON K1A 0L1
Phone: (613) 957-3960
Access to Information Website:

Submit the access request to the Office of the HRDC Privacy Coordinator listed at the bottom of the page. Enclose a $5.00 money order or cheque payable to the Receiver General of Canada, or telephone your Mastercard or VISA payment directly to the Privacy Coordinator. You will receive an acknowledgement which will provide you with a number for tracking progress on your request. Depending upon the type or amount of information being sought, you may be asked to authorize further charges.

Registrar, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Postal Address: Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H4
Phone: 1 800 567-9604
Registrar Website:

The Registrar at INAC is responsible for the maintenance of the Indian Register, a record of everyone who is registered as an Indian under the Indian Act. The Registrar also maintains band lists for First Nations that have not opted to assume control of their own membership.


Family History Library
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

35 E. North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah USA 84150
Family History Website:
Phone: 1-800-346-6044, extension 3478 (Canada and US enquiries)

The Church has assembled the International Genealogical Index, which includes about 260,000,000 names of individuals who have died. It also has other records, but few relate to the Yukon. The main Salt Lake City Library contains biographies, censuses, gazetteers, maps, Jewish and native history, and newspapers.

For a complete list contact the Whitehorse Family History Centre, 108 Wickstrom Road, (867) 668-7961, call for hours of operation. The Whitehorse Centre has access to resources at the Main Library and can obtain material; orders take 2 weeks to arrive. Searches are assisted upon request but patrons are encouraged to do their own research. Some information is restricted; if accessible it can be viewed as permitted by copyright laws. There is no charge to use the center, but copies of microfilm, microfiche, computer printout, photocopy and photo duplication of microfilm or fiche have associated charges. Cheques are accepted and payment is due at time of ordering.

Anglican Church of Canada
General Synod Archives, Ms. Nancy Hurn, 600 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 2J6
Archives Website:
Email (Diocese of Yukon): [email protected]
Phone: (416) 924-9199, Ex. 279
Fax: (416) 968-7983

Reference and research assistance is available by visit or correspondence. Photocopies and photo reproduction available. Collections contain papers from early pioneer clergy dating from 1847 - present.


Genealogical Research Library (Toronto)
100 Adelaide Street West 5th floor Toronto, ON M5H 1S2
Phone: (416) 360-3929
Fax: (416) 360-4348

This company genealogy searches for clients, utilizing a Canadian genealogical database with over two million entries from every province and territory between the years 1600-1900. Each database entry includes a source reference code. The Library can supply copies of the original documents used to create the database. Present day searches are also available, for example, a search can be done to obtain current names and addresses (including postal codes and telephone numbers) throughout Canada, USA, and Germany. Family tree kits are available as well as publications. Searches vary in price. Payment by money order, cheque or Visa. Information is released in forms, letters, or charts. Phone or write for information, applications are available.

Klondike Gold Rush Historical Park (Seattle)
117 South Main Street Seattle, Washington, USA 98104
Phone: (206) 553-7220
Fax: (206) 553-0614

This facility has exhibits, films, and specialized programs giving the Seattle viewpoint of the Klondike Rush, and works in conjunction with the Skagway Klondike Gold Rush Historical Park. Exhibits are open to the public, staff will assist, copyright laws are in effect and may limit availability; it might be possible to obtain photocopies of some documents. No charge for viewing or search.

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Skagway)
Box 517 Skagway, Alaska, USA 9980-0517
Phone: (907) 983-2921
Fax: (907) 983-2046

Information about the Klondike gold rush in relation to Skagway, Dyea, and the Chilkoot and White Pass trails from 1897 to early 1900s. Microfilm copies of historic newspapers, letters, diaries, directories, 4000 historic photographs, Skagway census for 1900, 1910, 1920, and property tax information are available. Staff will show clients where information is stored; after which they work on their own. Some information, such as the census, is on the computer and must be retrieved by staff. The Park is very busy in the summer so extensive searches may be done in winter. Charges depend on what is searched - if only a few copies, no charge, a larger search that requires staff time will be a negotiated charge. Available material maybe photocopied or computer generated. Call for an appointment; drop in to view the exhibits.

Kootenay Lake Archives
Kootenay Lake Historical Society, Box 537, Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0
Email: [email protected]

People came to the Klondike from all parts of the world, including the Kootenay area. The Archives is run by volunteers and is open Monday evenings and Thursday mornings. Volunteers may be conducting research requests so please contact them by email or regular mail rather than by phone. Check with the staff regarding public accessibility of files and costs.

University of Washington Libraries
Special Collections and Preservation Division
University of Washington Libraries, Box 352900, Seattle, WA 98195-2900
Phone: (206) 543-0242
Email: [email protected]

Research and reference assistance is available by visit or correspondence. Photocopies, maps and photo reproductions are available. Holdings include historic photograph collections, published material on Klondike history, index to the Yukon Nugget newspaper. Check University Archives Division of the Libraries for specific materials with Yukon significance.

University of Alaska
Rasmussen Library, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Box 756800, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Email (Reference Desk): [email protected]

Reference and research assistance is available by visit or correspondence. Photocopies and photo reproductions are available. Holdings include all types of archival material dating from the fur trade, including First Nations content. Genealogical sources, maps, films and photographs.


The following addresses on the internet may provide information, tips and clues for genealogical research.

Global Genealogy Sites
Yukon Genealogy Links
Other Useful Sites

Family Chronicle

Halvor Moorshead - Publisher
10 Gateway Boulevard Suite 490 North York, Ontario M3C 3T4
Phone: (416) 696-5488
Toll free to order magazine: 1-888-326-2476
Fax: 416-696-7395
Email: [email protected]

Publisher states that the magazine is for families researching their roots. Features might include how to research birth, baptism, marriage, death and census records using the Internet. This is a commercial magazine and subscriptions cost CDN $32 payable by credit card when you call. This listing is included for information only and should not be considered an endorsement.

Heritage Books Inc.

Heritage Books, Inc., 65 E Main Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157
Phone: (866) 282-2689; Customer Service 1-800-876-6103

Online bookstore specializing in published heritage and genealogical material. This listing is included for information only and should not be considered an endorsement.
Search the Database

Credit: Claude and Mary Tidd fonds, YA #7461
