Links to Organizations within the Yukon


Yukon Chamber of Mines
3151 B 3rd Ave., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1G1
Phone: (867) 667-2090 Fax: (867) 668-7127
Email: [email protected]
The Yukon Chamber of Mines mission is to strive to represent the full spectrum of exploration and mining activities in the Yukon, to promote responsible and prosperous exploration and mining industries in the Yukon, to represent the interests of the mining industry at all levels of government discussion, to increase public awareness of the benefits of responsible, sustainable development of mineral resources. Public has access to the non-circulating library however, most information is contemporary. People should check the Yukon Archives for historic records. Telephone, fax, or mail to access information held at the Chamber of Mines.
Listing of: present day mining companies, geological information, old geological reports.

Yukon Medical Association
Main Floor, 3089 3rd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5B3
Phone-Fax: (867) 633-3294
Email: [email protected]
The Yukon Medical Association is a voluntary association of Yukon's medical doctors. The role of the association is to work as advocates for its members, promote the highest level of professionalism in medical practice, and promote accessible quality health care for Yukoners


City of Whitehorse
2121 2nd Ave., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1C2
Phone: 867-667-4601 Fax: 867-668-8384
Information is available to the public, access to original documents is available to the public and family members and will be released to both. A $10.00 charge for property tax searches. Cheques are accepted after the search has been completed. Information is usually computer generated. Written, telephone or faxed requests are accepted. Property files search requires a name, address or legal description. Permission must be obtained from the city clerk.
Listing of: burial permits, cemetery files, property files

City of Whitehorse - Parks and Recreation
2121 2nd Ave., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1C2
Phone: 867-668-8325 Fax: 867-668-8324
Publication Lost Graves is available for viewing and can be purchased from the gift shop at MacBride Museum. For Grey Mountain Cemetery - will supply burial location only (site and section). Staff will give burial locations. This information is available to the public by photocopies or handwritten. No charge for viewing or search. Requests are taken verbally or in writing. Information needed: name of person, including "also known as" approximate age at time of death, year of death, and in the case of the Pioneer Cemetery - affiliation with any branch of the Armed Forces.
Listing: limited records of internments at Pioneer Cemetery. To supplement records, use the Lost Graves publication. For the Grey Mountain Cemetery - record of all internments - on request will supply map and details (section and plot number).

Coroners Service, Department of Justice
Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Phone: 867-667-5317 Fax: 867-667-3609
Chief Coroner
Information is available to the next of kin, legal representative or those declared " interested parties" by the Chief Coroner. Search is done by staff at the request of the next of kin or legal representative. No charge for search. It is preferred that the family member meet with the Chief Coroner to discuss and examine the contents of the file. Photocopies of some documents are available on request. The request may be verbal or written and must contain as much information as possible - specifically the full legal name, dates of birth, and if possible date and place of death.
-Listing: coroner's files dating from late 1960s to present.

Land Titles Office, Department of Justice
661-2130 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon
Mailing Address: Land Titles Office, Department of Justice, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
The Yukon Land Titles Office has the legal responsibility for all Yukon land titles information in the Territory. All original land titles and documents for properties in the Yukon are registered and stored at the Land Titles Office. Staff will perform title searches on request.

Mining Records (Central)
Room 325, 300 Main Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2B5
Phone: 867-667-3265 Fax: 867-667-3193
Regional Manager of Mineral Rights
The information is open to the public, but they must do their own searches. The researcher must have the name, location, date and whether it is a quartz claim or placer claim. A staff member is there to help, but the office is very busy. There is no charge for the present service.
Listing: mineral claims

Mining Recorder Yukon (Federal Government)
Room 325, 300 Main Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2B5
Phone: 867-667-3190
At present staff will assist in the search. In the future public will be able to use the computer. This office is very busy and you should phone first. No charge for the information.
Listing: present owners of Yukon claims.

Vital Statistics (Yukon)
Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Phone: 867-667-5207 Fax: 867-393-6386
Email: [email protected]
Deputy Registrar
Vital Records
Vital records are the best places to look for dates of events such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. In addition, they often give information such as parents' or children's names, occupation, place of residence, and age. Genealogy is the science or study of family descent. Many people are interested in family history research and Vital Statistics records are an important source of information for the family historian. Yukon Vital Statistics have very little information on a data base and most searches are done from hard copy. The Vital Statistics Agency has records of birth, marriage, and death occurring in Yukon since 1896 (some events occurring during that time were not registered). These records are available to qualified applicants and the disclosure of this information is in compliance with the Vital Statistics Act and the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Lists are available (must be mailed) of other locations to find Yukon information. Contact the Vital Statistics office at 867-667-5207. They currently have complete records since 1924, sporadic birth records since 1898, and a birth record index from 1900 to 1924. The information is given only to those to whom the information belongs - family members and representatives of the individual. Call to discuss exactly what is available. Confidentiality laws govern release of information. The public does not have access to the files and the search is done by a staff member. At present, certificates cost $10.00 and searches are $1.00/year up to $20.00. Visa, Mastercard, cheque or money order payable to Government of Yukon are accepted. Information is given in the form of a certificate or genealogy letter. A written or faxed request with payment accompanying (Credit card number and expiry dates on fax or given over the phone).
Listing: births, deaths, marriage registrations, dates are from 1898 to present. Some vital events were not registered during the early years.

Whitehorse Public Library
Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Front Desk: 867-667-5239 Fax 867-393-6333
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5239
The Public Access Catalogue located in Whitehorse Public Library includes the holdings of Whitehorse Public Library and fourteen Yukon community libraries. The Yukon Archives Library contains unique Yukon and northern related publications in the general Archives collection and special Coutts collections.
A list of Genealogy Material is available from the library on request.


Yukon Archives
Business Tourism & Culture
Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Email: [email protected]
The reference and research rooms at the Archives are open to the public from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday 1:00 to 5:00 pm, Friday 1:00 to 9:00 pm, and 10:00 to 1:00 pm and 2:00 to 6:00 pm on Saturdays. Photocopy, map, and photograph reproduction services are available. Reference material from other institutions is available through inter-library loan. Reference assistance is available through correspondence for those people unable to visit the Archives in person.
Holdings include:
Listing: government records, education, legislation, elections, transportation, wildlife, land, historical mining records, estate files or the public administrator, Federal records, selected files from Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Yukon Telegraph Service Records, US Army, Northwest Service Command records relating to Alaska Highway and Canol Pipeline construction, historic photographs, private manuscripts, corporate records, social organizations, sound recordings, films, maps and plans, newspapers.

MacBride Museum
Box 4037, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3S9
Office hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Telephone for appointment to conduct archival research. The MacBride Museum is a non-profit organization that relies on grants and volunteers to operate. Check with the museum concerning reproduction of material from the museum. Forms and additional prices are available from the museum. Please contact the museum for additional information.
Listing: archival manuscripts, historic photographs, sound recordings, newspapers.

Old Log Church Museum
Box 5956, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5L7
Office hours are 9:00 to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. The Old Log Church Museum is a non-profit organization that relies on grants and volunteers to operate. Telephone for appointment to conduct archival research.
Listing: historic photographs of pioneer missionaries, Anglican Church history, Archival manuscripts, personal papers or pioneer workers, Rev. Stringer papers.

Dawson City Museum
Box 303, Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0
Email: [email protected]
The Dawson City Museum is open every day, beginning Victoria Day Weekend to the Saturday after Labour Day, 10 am to 6 pm. Telephone for an appointment during winter hours - September to May. Information is available to the public but access to original documents is controlled and by appointment only. The Dawson City Museum & Historical Society is a non-profit organization that relies on grants and volunteers to operate. For this reason, particularly during the winter months, it can sometimes take several weeks to respond to your research request - but they will reply. Check with the museum concerning reproduction of material from the museum. The museum staff will perform research requests if you are unable to visit in person. Research fees are $15.00/hour, the first half hour is free, photocopies are .25 each. Forms and additional prices are available from the museum. Please enquire by email -written requests are preferred.
Listing: archival manuscripts, diaries, correspondence, business ledgers and records, Sound recordings, Biographical research files, Postal records, funeral records, church records, NWMP records, Yukon Order of Pioneers membership lists, Gazetteers, Historic photographs, Historic Mining Records, placer claims, quartz claims, leases, newspapers, research publications.

Dawson Historic Complex - Parks Canada
Box 390, Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0
Staff library has periodicals, publications, newspapers, photo collections. Library is open to the public, but is non-circulating. Some research assistance is available.
Hours of operation 8:00am to 4:30 pm. Please telephone for appointment during winter hours.
Listing: historic photographs, gazetteers, research and studies on historic sites developed by Parks.


Klondike Sun Newspaper
Bag 6040, Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0
Phone: 867-993-6318 Fax: 867-993-6625
Information is available to the public. A staff member is available for assistance but the public may come in and use the computer. Older Dawson newspapers can be researched at the Dawson Museum. No charge for a small search - charge for an extensive search is negotiable.
Listing: newspapers, photographs, community events, news, deaths/births from 1989 to present.

Whitehorse Star
2149 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1C5
Fax: 867-668-7130
Email: [email protected]
Listing: newspapers, photographs, community events, news, deaths/births.

Yukon News
211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4
Phone: 867-667-6285 Fax: (867) 668-3755
Listing: newspapers, photographs, community events, news, deaths/births.


Christ Church Cathedral (Anglican)
Box 4489, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3P1
Phone: 867-668-5530
Office staff available Monday - Thursday 9:00-12:00
Information is available to the public; staff members will do search and information is generally released to family members or those with legitimate reasons. Normally the search is a courtesy service, however if the search is time consuming, a small fee is required. ($5.00 subject to change). Information is usually photocopied unless otherwise requested. Written or personal contact - dates, place, names are needed. If information is in the archives, a letter from the Diocese is needed and can be issued on request.
Listing: baptismal, marriage, death records form August 1966 to present. (For older records see Diocese of Yukon (Anglican).)

Diocese of Yukon (Anglican Church of Canada)
Box 4247, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3T3
Phone: 867-667-7746 Fax: 867-667-5125
Information is available to families, or their representatives, staff will assist with searches. If the search in the Synod Office is unsuccessful, written permission may be granted for the research to be done by the person requesting the information, thus allowing them to view the files specifically requested. Donation of $5.00 to cover mailing costs and some of the time, as well as any forms required. Photocopies available, and typed certificates, all must be sealed with the official Diocesan seal. Written, faxed or telephone requests are accepted. Information that is needed for each request - name, parents' names if possible, approximate date of birth if known, area records will likely be found. Records are kept in archives and a written letter of permission must be presented to the Archives staff for them to allow access.
Listing: Parish registers (baptisms, marriages, confirmations, burials etc.) For records after 1966, see Christ Church Cathedral. Cemetery records.

Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Whitehorse (Catholic Church Diocese of Whitehorse)
406 Steele Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C8
Phone: 867-668-3826 Fax: 867-667-4713
Information is available only to parties involved, family members or government agents. Searches done by staff. Baptismal records and possibly funeral records might also be obtained from the particular parishes where the events occurred. There is a $5.00 charge for each certificate (computer generated). Longer searches are assessed on an individual basis. Written, faxed, or telephone requests are accepted. Full names, parents' names, accurate dates, place of baptism is needed to conduct the search.
Listing: baptismal certificates for Yukon and northern BC. The records kept here are older records. See Sacred Heart Cathedral (in Whitehorse) for more recent church records; funeral records, church records.

Sacred Heart Cathedral (Catholic)
406 Steele Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C8
Phone: 867-667-2437 Fax: 867-667-7529
Information available to person or family member, staff does the research. No charge. Information is released as extracts, photocopies or computer generated, certificates (baptism). All methods of research requests are accepted. Provide as much information as possible - full name, parent's names, mother's maiden name, birthdate, birthplace.
Listing: baptisms, weddings, burial information 1902 to present. See Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Whitehorse (Church archives).

Salvation Army
4169 4th Ave., Box 5670, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3V7
Phone: 867-668-2327 Fax: 867-668-5763
The Salvation Army offers a family tracing service for Canada at no cost. Contact the local office or call: The Salvation Army in Toronto at 416-425-2111 and ask for the family tracing coordinator or write to:
The Salvation Army
2 Overlea Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario M4H 1P4
Phone: 416-481-4441 Fax: 416-481-6096
or write to:
George Scott Railton, Heritage Centre, 2130 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Ontario M4N 3K6

Whitehorse Family History Centre
5 Gibbons Place, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5L4
Phone: 867-668-7961 Fax: 867-667-7423 (Director at home)
Hours of service are Tuesday, Wednesdays 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Thursdays 10:00 - 1:00, Friday, Saturdays 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Most of the information is available to the public and can be viewed in Whitehorse, however, it may take 2 weeks to arrive. Searches are assisted if requested, but most patrons are helped to do their own research. Some information is restricted. If it can be obtained, anyone can view as permitted by copyright laws. There is no charge to use the center, but a charge is necessary when ordering microforms. The cost covers rental, postage and exchange. Cheques are accepted and payment is due at time of ordering. Copies of microfilm, microfiche, computer printout, photocopy and photo duplication of microfilm or fiche will also have associated charges.
Listing: International Genealogical Index, which includes about 260,000,000 names of individuals who have died. Also have other records, but not many relate to the Yukon. Have access to resources at the Main Library in Salt Lake City and can order in for patrons. Microfilms and microfiche generally take about 10-14 days. Main Salt Lake City Library contains biographies, census, gazetteers, maps, Jewish history, Native history, newspapers, societies. For a complete list contact the Whitehorse Family History Centre. See below for address of Family History Library Church of Jesus Christ.

Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ
35 E. North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah USA 84150 Canada and US enquiries
Senior reference consultant: Patricia N Hardesty
Phone: 800-346-6044, extension 3478

Yukon Social Organizations

Generally these organizations may have membership lists or members may remember or know the person you are researching. Responses may take longer as they do not have staff members.

Elks Lodge No. 306
401 Hawkins Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A

L'Association des Franco-Yukonnaise
302 Strickland Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A
Phone: 867-668-2663 Fax: 867-668-351
Office hours Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Cafes-Rencontres Tous Les Vendredis 5:00-10:00 pm
Coffee Houses every Friday 5:00 pm-10:00 pm

Golden Age Society
Sport Yukon Building, 4061A 4th Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A
Provides a social centre for seniors; offers a variety of activities including cards, pool, films, drop-in crochet. Membership meeting the last Friday of each month at the Golden Age Drop-In Centre

Yukon Genealogy Society
Email: [email protected]

Rotary Club


Royal Canadian Legion No. 254
306 Alexander Street, Whitehorse, Yukon

Yukon Order of Pioneers
Box 131, Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0 and
Box 4515, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2R8
Phone: 667-7462

Yukon Historical & Museums Association
3126 3rd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1E7
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 867-667-4704
Services provided: Conferences on historical and cultural themes; historical maps and publications available; Reference Library (Historical); Walking Tour Book.

Masonic Lodge

Loyal Order of the Moose


Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
Whitehorse, Yukon
Phone: 867-633-7685
Services provided: Offer a variety of activities/services including coffee houses, activity nights, women's groups, youth groups, elders luncheons and drop-in centre. AIDS information. Counsellor available.

Yukon First Nations
The type of information from the First Nations is available only to individual and family members. Each First Nation should be contacted and they will determine what information will be released.
Listing: land claims enrollment, baptisms, birth notices, genealogy family trees, maps.

Council for Yukon First Nations
11 Nisutlin Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3S4

Northern Yukon
Vuntut Gwitch'in
Heritage Officer
Box 94, Old Crow, Yukon Y0B 1N0

Central Yukon
Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation
Heritage Officer
Box 599, Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0

Nacho'Nyak Dun First Nation
Heritage Office
Box 220, Mayo, Yukon Y0B 1M0

Selkirk First Nation
Heritage Officer
Box 40, Pelly Crossing, Yukon Y0B 1P0

Ross River Dena Council
Heritage Officer
General Delivery, Ross River, Yukon Y0B 1S0

Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation
Heritage Officer
Box 135, Carmacks, Yukon Y0B 1C0

Western Yukon
White River First Nation
General Delivery, Beaver Creek, Yukon Y0B 1A0

Kluane First Nation
Lands Office
Box 20, Burwash Landing, Yukon Y0B 1A0

Champagne Aishihik First Nations
Heritage Officer
Box 5309, Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0

Southern Yukon
Kwanlin Dun First Nation
Heritage Officer
35 MacIntyre, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5A5

Ta'an Kwach'an Council
117 Industrial Rd., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2T8

Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Box 130, Carcross, Yukon Y0B 1B0

Teslin Tlingit Council
Heritage Officer
Box 133, Teslin, Yukon Y0B 1B0

Liard First Nation
Box 328, Watson Lake, Yukon Y0B 1C0
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Credit: Claude and Mary Tidd fonds, YA #7565
